Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Chapter 6

Honestly, I dont see how I would use wikis or blogs in my classroom. First all of anyone can access or change data in a wiki and second the students wouldn't take it serious. I would have to monitor and keep a close eye on the wiki or blogs, maybe with an advanced class that take their work seriously. Especially in a math class I find it hard to incorporate things such as wikis or blogs. Not to say that it cannot be done, just a hassle with the lack of internet access outside of class for some student because I wouldnt spend class time teaching how to use wikis and blogs.
Socialbookmarking is a good thing. If you  want a quick reference or need a quick hint you can use certain math sites, or even to watch a youtube video over certain subjects would be great. But becoming dependant on websites for information would prove to be costly in the amount of knowledge retained. E-mailing a link to a friend or family member is an outstanding feature but too much of a good thing can be bad thing. Once again I would be interested in creating a VoiceThread but using it in a mathematics class would pointless, fun, but pointless.
I've never heard of Tapped In before. It sounds like a really cool thing! Especially if teachers from all over can explore and discuss their success and failures in the classroom. That is a one of a kind tool that I would love to use! It seems like this would be more useful, from a students learning point of view, to be used in english class. But all teachers should use them excellent resource that they have their fingertips.

Nations, DN Social Bookmarking 101 - What is Social Bookmarking and How Can It Help Me?. Retrieved 3/2/11, from
Inline Citation -- (Nations, )


  1. I agree with you about the wikis. Even at our level several of my teachers have told me not to believe to much into what i read in them. I do not know if i would really use them or not.

  2. Wikis and blogs would definitely be a hassle to use in a math classroom. I like them, and I would love to try them out, but it could definitely spell disaster for a class that has a hard time staying on task. I think VoiceThread could be a great tool in the classroom. A student could post a problem they are having trouble with, and using the many different methods to comment, other classmates could help figure it out. (Of course, that is my opinion. I have never tried it so I have no idea how it would work or how well.) There were a lot of great things in this chapter. Tapped In sounded awesome. It really seems like a great resource. I agree a lot with your last paragraph. Teachers should use the excellent resources at their fingertips!

  3. i agree i don't see using wikis or social bookmarking in my class room. To much false info and to much room for students to misuse.

  4. I agree with you socialbookmarking is a good thing. I like the fact it allows you to get at information quickly.
