Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Chapter 9

Digital Storytelling by Kate Kemker, is definitely a great way to get your students involved and excited about any subject. It enhances your students critical thinking skills by making them utilize so many different things/areas, such as storyboards, cameras, videos, and many other computer softwares. Using this in my classroom would be slightly different but could probably be done, but would using in my classroom is another story. I most likely would be againest using it.

You can ask most anyone that knows me, when it comes to math i would much rather put the technology aside. If taught correctly and treated with care, a deeper level of understanding can be aquired by learning the material by hand and as my professor loves to say, "practice, practice, practice!" I believe that yes, technology helps improve grades and may help see certain things a little bit better, but does using this technology actually help with the long term memory. Does it do the students justice to actually grasp the true meaning of finding what a root is or what the integral actually does. Sometimes though I do believe calculators are something that you need and are a valuable commoditiy. Because many students are very visual learners, many students want to abuse the use of calculators and not learn the material, they only want what the answer is without any meaning. I do however like the tinkering with data sets, because students are able to develop deeper understanding. The Geometric Supposer sounds like a great tool use because geomoetry is visually oriented, geometry is nothing but shapes and angles.

It is possible to learn from tv alone, but only to an extent, the line is drawn somewhere you must do hands on to fully understand or grasp a concept. Such as; cooking, you can watch all of the cooking shows and chefs all that you want and you will learn a lot about food, how to prepare it, what ingredients go well with what, but that is only your base knowledge. It is a whole different ball game when you are actually cooking by yourself while trying to keep track of 10 different things, the water boiling, chicken cooking, steak grilling, seasonings in each pot, and the list goes on. Watching tv lets you skim the surface, the fun comes when you take the dive!


  1. I always think your posts are interesting because of the subject in which you will be teaching, Math, is different from my own. Trying to integrate technology into this subject area, I too believe, can be to the detrement of the students. Many aspects of mathematics are better learned using the standard pencil and paper method.

  2. i agree with your comments on digital storytelling, i also think it will be a useful classroom tool. As far as math i both agree and disagree. I really feel it depends on the grade level one is teaching.

  3. I really did not think about cooking shows on tv and that you can learn while watching tv. you can't cook while watching tv but you can be taking notes. you really made a great point great post. :)
